In the Congress, our Technical Manager, Adolfo Sánchez, made a presentation about the business opportunities offered by the aircraft dealership in service, specifically in the modifications and repairs of the aircraft that are in service, which is our specialty as DOA.
In the presentation we explain exactly what this service consists of and the competitive advantages it offers to aircraft owners when buying new units. We also provide information on the characteristics and needs of the companies we operate in the sector of aircraft modifications and repairs, such as the existence of a greater number of customers, which provides a beneficial dispersion of risks. Of course, the internationalization of the company is necessary, which opens us to a universe with a wider market in which to work. As a counterpart is the important investment that requires an activity like this, which joins the time spent in getting approvals from the authority (DOA and POA) and the retention of staff.
These are some of the brushstrokes that we contributed in the Congress, where great value was offered by all the attendees and the strength in Spain of a sector was demonstrated that, only in Galicia, brings together 30 companies that invoice 130 million euros and they give work to 1,200 people.